Celebrate Creation: Marriage, Family, and the Sabbath

Celebrate Creation: Marriage, Family, and the Sabbath 2025-01-20

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The 2025 Adventist Family Ministries Resource Book is a comprehensive annual resource organized by the General Conference Family Ministries department, with valuable contributions from the global Adventist community. It is specifically crafted to supply local churches around the world with enriching materials for family-focused weeks and Sabbaths.


This resource book delves into the profound themes of Genesis 1 and 2, reminding us of the beauty and significance of God’s creation. From the very beginning, God established three foundational institutions—marriage, family, and the Sabbath—which continue to shape our faith and way of life today. These divine gifts offer a blueprint for understanding our purpose, fostering relationships, and nurturing our connection with the Creator.

Key Themes:​

  • Marriage: Celebrated as the union of man and woman, marriage reflects the image of God and symbolizes His love for humanity. Genesis 2:24 illustrates this sacred bond as the cornerstone of family life, echoing Christ's relationship with His church. As Seventh-day Adventists, we uphold the sanctity of marriage in nurturing love, companionship, and spiritual growth.
  • Family: Emerging from marriage, the family unit is God's chosen means for nurturing faith, values, and character. As a living testimony of God’s love and a training ground for discipleship, family life offers our first experiences of love and understanding of God, as highlighted in Deuteronomy 6:6-7.
  • Sabbath: The Sabbath, the crowning act of Creation, serves as a weekly reminder of our Creator and our place in His design. Genesis 2:3 recognizes the Sabbath as a sacred time for rest and worship, strengthening familial bonds and providing a respite to refocus on our relationship with God and each other.

Interconnectedness of Pillars:​

These three pillars—marriage, family, and Sabbath—are intricately woven together. A strong marriage underpins a nurturing family environment, a healthy family allows the full experience of Sabbath blessings, and the Sabbath affords precious moments for families to reconnect and grow in their faith.

Ministry Tools:​

This resource book is designed to empower ministry leaders with tools, insights, and inspiration for effectively ministering to families, reinforcing marriages, and embracing the Sabbath's blessings. By doing so, we honor God's original design and offer a compelling witness to a world in need of divine love and truth.

Intended Impact:​

Celebrate Creation: Marriage, Family, and the Sabbath aims to impart a deeper appreciation for God’s wisdom in creation, empathy for the challenges faced by modern families, and hope in the transformative power of the gospel. Join us in affirming, "I Will Go with My Family." Let this resource guide you in celebrating and strengthening the divine institutions that are at the heart of Adventist faith and practice.
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