10 Days of Prayer 2025


Chief of Sinners.
Welcome to Ten Days of Prayer, a time when prayer and fasting have led to miraculous changes, including conversions, renewed evangelism, and healed relationships. Testimonies include restored electricity and job opportunities following prayer.

The Bible encourages seeking God's face and promises blessings for those who do. Daily readings by Dr. Pavel Goia explore the Lord’s Prayer and other teachings, offering deep spiritual insights. Guidelines for prayer include keeping prayers brief, embracing silence, and singing. Claim God’s promises in prayer to strengthen faith, as outlined by Ellen White. Fasting during this period can help focus on God, encouraging a simple diet and less screen time. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in prayer, and remember that faith and prayer can achieve the impossible.

Use these ten days to pray for others, choosing five to seven people to focus on. Jesus calls us to serve others, and outreach activities are encouraged. Resources are available online with outreach ideas. Engage in this time of prayer and service, drawing closer to God.


Daily devotions in this series are threaded under this topic. Relevant study materials are attached.

You can download children's material here.

See the calendar for upcoming events.


When you pray, remember to stay connected to Christ.


John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Continual Connection: The Key to Fruitfulness

After graduation, he (Dr. Pavel Goia) was assigned to a small district with three churches. One winter Sabbath, with only nine attendees due to severe cold, he questioned whether to preach. The head elder insisted, so he delivered a sermon from John 15:4–8, highlighting the importance of abiding in Christ. Ellen G. White emphasised that success comes not from our capabilities but from God's work through us. He reminded the congregation of the power of prayer as a connection to God’s limitless resources and Jesus' promise in Matthew 18:19–20, that even if two or three agree in prayer, God will grant their request. Despite doubts, he called the few members to pray daily. Three months later, attendance grew from 10 to 120. God calls us to remain in Him and continually pray, ensuring Satan has no power over us. Prayer is our source of strength.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Spend 30-45 minutes in united prayer. Use short, conversational prayers. Consider the following themes:

Praying God’s Word – John 15:5 - "Remain in Me and I in you": Ask Jesus to help us abide in Him. - "You will bear much fruit": Pray for the Spirit's fruit in our lives. - "Apart from Me you can do nothing": Acknowledge our need for God.
  • Thanks and Praise: Offer gratitude for blessings.
  • Confession: Privately confess and thank God for forgiveness.
  • Guidance: Seek wisdom for current decisions.
  • Our Church: Pray for local and global church needs.
  • Local Requests: Pray for the needs of your community.
  • Listen and Respond: Listen for God's voice and respond.
Song Suggestions - SDA Hymnal: "Abide With Me" (#50), "Draw Me Nearer" (#306), "In the Garden" (#487) - Other Songs: "Into My Heart," "As the Deer," "Open My Eyes, Lord," "Unto Thee, O Lord"


Day 2—Teach Us How to Pray

Prayer is crucial in the Christian life. Jesus’ disciples saw Him pray and realised their own shortcomings, prompting them to ask, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1). Although they were devout, they recognised that they lacked spiritual power, which Jesus attributed to prayer and fasting. Prayer is the soul's breath and the key to spiritual strength. Neglecting prayer weakens our connection to God. Jesus exemplified a powerful prayer life, often praying throughout the night. He prioritised prayer first thing in the morning in a solitary place (Mark 1:35). He taught that prayer is not about repetition but an open dialogue with God. To deepen our prayer lives, we must combine prayer with studying the Word, allowing God to speak to us. Jesus is our model for a life of prayer, and He invites us to follow His example.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Engage in united, short conversational prayers, allowing multiple contributions. Pray through Scripture, like Luke 11:1, and be open to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Include thanks, confession, guidance, and requests for church and local needs.

Song Suggestions: - "Sweet Hour of Prayer" - "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord" - "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" - "Seek Ye First" - "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" - "In Moments Like These"


DAY 3—Be Specific

"Do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. Your Father knows what you need before you ask" (Matt. 6:7, 8, NKJV).

Pray Specifically

When our son Ovidiu bought a fixer-upper house, he faced financial challenges with its renovation. He had prayed generically but I encouraged him to make specific requests to God. Instead of broad prayers like "save my neighbours," try "Father, touch my neighbour John and help me build a friendship to share the gospel with him." In Mark 10:47, Bartimaeus calls for mercy but Jesus prompts him to specify his wish: "Rabboni, that I may receive my sight." Back to Ovidiu—he prayed specifically for a team to dig a foundation hole at a good price. After some setbacks, his neighbour informed him of a team already working next door. They agreed to do the job for $2,500, much less than expected. Ovidiu realised God was ready with an answer. "Prayer is opening the heart to God as a friend" (Steps to Christ, p. 93). Present your needs honestly and with faith, trusting God's timing and method.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Unite in short, conversational prayers. You can pray through Scripture or focus on different topics. Refer to the Leader’s Guide and World Church Prayer Requests for ideas.

Praying God’s Word – Matt. 6:7, 8 "Do not use vain repetitions" God, teach us to speak to You as a friend. Awaken us spiritually to feel Your presence. "Your Father knows the things you need" Lord, You understand us better than we know ourselves. Thank You for the Spirit who intercedes for us. We trust in Your unimaginable ways.

More Prayer Suggestions: -
  • Thanks and Praise: Acknowledge specific blessings.
  • Confession: Privately confess and thank God for forgiveness.
  • Guidance: Seek wisdom for challenges.
  • Our Church: Pray for global and regional church needs.
  • Local Requests: Pray for community needs.
  • Listen and Respond: Hear God's voice and respond in song or praise.
Song Suggestions: - SDA Hymnal: Standing on the Promises (#518); I Know Whom I Have Believed (#511) - Other Songs: Give Thanks; Thank You, Lord, for Saving My Soul; Count Your Blessings; He's Able


DAY 4—Unanswered Prayers (and Faith)

Waiting is challenging and tests our patience. Abraham waited 25 years, Moses 40 years, and Joseph spent years as a slave and in prison before seeing God's intervention. Patience is a key trait of God’s people, and often, answers to prayers require waiting. God answers sincere prayers in ways and times that best meet our needs, not always as we expect. When we seek God, acknowledging our dependence, He answers, but sometimes we must exhaust our own efforts first, ensuring that the outcome is credited to Him, not us. God's timing and ways may be unknown to us, but He answers with the best possible outcome. He cares for us and others, and His plans may involve waiting or a different response which we might not understand until later. Jesus didn't promise a comfortable life but taught that trials could lead to growth and character development. Instead of asking God to remove challenges, ask to learn and grow through them. Our true need is to know God more. The more we know and trust Him, the more we allow Him to work. Prayer encourages us to wait on God and seek His presence and guidance.

During prayer (30–45 minutes), engage in short conversational prayers, allowing everyone to participate. Use Scripture themes like Isa. 40:31a to deepen prayer. Suggestions include giving thanks, confessing, seeking guidance, praying for the church, and listening for God's voice.

Prayer Time Suggestions: -
  • Thanks and Praise: Express gratitude for blessings and God's goodness.
  • Confession: Privately confess and thank God for forgiveness.
  • Guidance: Request wisdom for current challenges.
  • Church Needs: Pray for regional and global church needs.
  • Local Requests: Address needs of church members, family, and neighbours.
  • Listen and Respond: Pause to listen for God and respond in praise or song.

Song Suggestions: - "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" (#469) - "It Is Well with My Soul" (#530) - "Be Still, My Soul" (#461) - "My Peace I Give unto You" - "I Cast All My Cares upon You" - "In God’s Green Pastures"


Day 5—Hallowed Be Your Name

"Let your light shine before others, so they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matt. 5:16, NKJV).

We Are an Open Letter

A pastor and church members invited neighbours to events, but some refused, citing a member's unkind behaviour. Our actions reflect God to others. The Lord's Prayer begins with "Our Father in heaven" and "hallowed be Your name," which means to sanctify or make holy. We are read by all, like an open letter (2 Cor. 3:2), and our behaviour can honour or dishonour God's name. Enter God's presence with praise, focusing on His name and honour. Seek things that glorify God, as prayer in Jesus' name means aligning with His character and will. God answers prayers that glorify Him. Acknowledge His role and don't take credit. Complaining sends the wrong message about God; instead, rejoice and behave in ways that honour Him. Pray to represent God well and glorify His name.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)
Engage in united prayer for 30-45 minutes. Use short conversational prayers and pray through scripture.

Praying God’s Word—Matt. 5:16: "Let your light so shine": Lord, shine through us to show Your character. "That they may see your good works": Help others see love and generosity in us. "And glorify your Father in heaven": Humble us so our actions reflect Your power and compassion.

More Prayer Suggestions:
  • Thanks and Praise: Thank God for blessings.
  • Confession: Privately confess and thank God for forgiveness.
  • Guidance: Ask for wisdom for challenges.
  • Church Needs: Pray for church needs.
  • Local Requests: Pray for local needs. - Listen and Respond: Listen for God’s voice and respond in praise or song.
Song Suggestions: - SDA Hymnal: "How Great Thou Art" (#86); "Praise to the Lord" (#1); "Praise Him, Praise Him" (#249) - Other Songs: "I Will Enter His Gates"; "Shine, Jesus, Shine"; "Majesty"; "His Name is Wonderful"


DAY 6—Your Kingdom Come

"The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21, NKJV).

Salvation Enters​

In Luke 19, Jesus enters Zacchaeus's house, declaring, "Today salvation has come to this house" (verse 9). When Jesus resides in you, heaven is present. Before entering God's kingdom, it must enter your heart. In John 17, Jesus prayed for His followers to remain in the world but not be of it (John 17:15, 16). We should live here as we would in heaven. Focusing on worldly things makes us worldly, but focusing on God brings His kingdom into our hearts. On a trip to Cuba, a lady drew hundreds to listen by showing love and kindness. She shared rice with children and taught them about God, reaching their parents too. She embodies God's kingdom and finds joy in seeing others learn and grow in faith. To be ready for Jesus's return, invite His kingdom into your heart daily through prayer, Bible study, and service. Let God's kingdom reside within you now. Live as citizens of heaven and let His love flow through your actions.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Spend 30-45 minutes in united prayer, led by the Holy Spirit, using conversational prayers. Pray through Scripture and include other subjects.

Prayer Suggestions

Pray based on Luke 17:21: - "The kingdom of God is within you."
  • For wisdom to live God's humble kingdom today.
  • To live as citizens of heaven, helping others.
  • Thanks and praise for blessings. -
  • Confession and thanksgiving for forgiveness.
  • Guidance for current decisions.
  • Pray for church needs and local requests.
  • Listen for God's voice.
Song Suggestions - "Live Out Thy Life Within Me" (#316) - "He Lives" (#251) - "We Are His Hands" - "This Little Light of Mine"


DAY 7—Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven​

"For I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you hope and a future" (Jer. 29:11, NIV).

God is the Master​

We often have our own plans and seek God's blessing for them, rather than seeking His plans. God invites us to follow His plan, ensuring His blessings and resources. In prayer, we should seek His direction more than giving Him ours. "Each morning consecrate yourself to God for the day. Surrender all your plans to Him" (Steps to Christ, p. 70). In heaven, angels swiftly follow God's instructions. We should strive to do the same, trusting He provides all needed resources. An example: My wife and I were driving when a friend called needing help to travel for evangelism. Amazingly, we were near his location and could assist him, showing the importance of following God's timing and plans. God knows the future and loves us. "Let God plan for you... if you could see the end from the beginning" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 479). To do God's will, we must listen in prayer, as His voice guides us more than our own words. "The Bible is God’s voice speaking to us" (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 393). We're encouraged to share our needs with God, knowing He already understands them. He waits for us to seek His help and respects our freedom of choice. Pray, study the Word, and make God's plans a priority. Seek Him first and trust He will take care of your needs (Matthew 6:33). Be open to serving Him: "Here I am Lord. Use me today."

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Use short prayers, allowing many to pray multiple times. Below are some suggestions for prayer themes based on the Scripture. Refer to the Leader’s Guide and World Church Prayer Requests for ideas. Praying God’s Word — Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you": Ask for forgiveness for self-centered ambitions and seek understanding of His plans. - "Plans to give you hope and a future": Acknowledge that God's plans are eternal and thank Him for the lasting hope they bring.

Additional Prayer Suggestions:
  • Give thanks and praise.
  • Private confession and gratitude for forgiveness.
  • Seek guidance for challenges.
  • Pray for church and local needs.
  • Listen for God's voice and respond in song or praise.
Song Suggestions - SDA Hymnal: I Surrender All (#309); Take My Life and Let It Be (#330); Give Me Jesus (#305); Be Thou My Vision (#547) - Other Songs: All in All; Create in Me a Clean Heart; Make Me a Servant


DAY 8—Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

“Do not become weary in doing good, for at the right time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. As we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those in the family of believers” (Gal. 6:9, 10, NIV).

God Will Provide

While managing finances, after setting aside for tithe, missions, and the needy, there was little left for the month. On my way to pay our sons’ tuition, I saw a distressed young woman I had baptised. She had lost her job and home and had no food. I bought groceries for her and paid part of her rent with the tuition money. Church members helped with her bills. My wife reassured me that God would provide, and later, I received a cheque covering what I had spent. God cares deeply for us and promises our needs will be met (Isa. 33:16). "Give us this day our daily bread" implies we should pray for others too. We are called to love our neighbours as ourselves (Mark 12:31) and to bear each other’s burdens (Gal. 6:2). “Our prayers shouldn’t be selfish. We are to ask blessings to share. We must give to receive” (Christ’s Object Lessons). The Lord’s Prayer focuses on today’s needs, encouraging us not to worry about tomorrow (Matt. 6:34). We should bless others before preaching Christ’s love. In the end, Jesus will value our love for others, showing how we truly love Him (Matt. 25:31–45). God calls you to pray for and love your neighbour.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Prayer groups vary, but we suggest spending 30-45 minutes in united prayer, guided by the Holy Spirit. Use short, conversational prayers and pray through Scripture based on the theme. Consider the Leader’s Guide and World Church Prayer Requests for ideas.

Praying God’s Word – Galatians 6:9, 10 - “Let us not become weary in doing good.” - Father, sometimes ministry exhausts us. Focus our eyes on You and fill us with love for a needy world. - “We will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” - Lord, thank You for the promise of harvest. Guide our efforts in faith. - “Let us do good to all people.” - God, show us opportunities to serve those around us.

More Prayer Suggestions
  • Thanks and Praise: Offer thanks for specific blessings.
  • Confession: Spend time in private confession and gratitude for forgiveness.
  • Guidance: Seek wisdom for current challenges.
  • Our Church: Pray for church needs.
  • Local Requests: Pray for church members, family, and community needs.
  • Listen and Respond: Spend time listening to God.
Song Suggestions - SDA Hymnal: "Seeking the Lost" (#373); "Bringing in the Sheaves" (#369); "I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go" (#573) - Other Songs: "We Are His Hands"; "They’ll Know We Are Christians"; "Pass It On"


Day 9—Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" (Matthew 6:14, NKJV).

Story: "I Didn’t Feel It"

An elderly church elder believed she was lost due to a past sin, despite praying for forgiveness. She didn’t feel forgiven, but after discussing faith and God’s promises, she found peace. Forgiveness isn’t about feelings; it's faith-based. If we confess our sins, God forgives them all (1 John 1:9, NKJV). Forgiveness is a promise from God, fulfilled through faith, not feelings. God’s forgiveness isn’t earned or explained but believed. Jesus has already paid for our sins. Faith in God’s word leads to righteousness, following the example of Abraham (Romans 4:3, NIV). Our salvation is a gift from God, accepted through faith (Ephesians 2:8, NIV).

Reflection on Forgiveness

Forgiveness is grounded in God’s love and manifests in our attitudes towards others. Those who experience grace are compelled to share it. We are called to forgive as we have been forgiven.

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Engage in united prayer, using conversational prayers (1-3 sentences). Include Scriptures like Matthew 6:14, and focus on personal and community needs.

Prayer Suggestions
  • Thank God for His blessings and goodness.
  • Confess privately and thank God for forgiveness.
  • Seek guidance for challenges.
  • Pray for church and local needs.
  • Listen for God’s voice and respond in praise.
Song Suggestions - "Amazing Grace" - "Old Rugged Cross" - "Redeemed" - "Blessed Assurance"


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DAY 10—Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation

"God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone" (James 1:13, NKJV).

Does God Really Do That?

God is love and tempts no one; we tempt ourselves (James 1:14, 15). In the Lord's Prayer, "Do not lead us into temptation" means not to abandon us to sin or trials. The Greek word "eisphero" means not letting or permitting us to go into temptation. "Peirasmon" can mean "trial" or "adversity," showing the phrase as a plea for God's support during trials. Sometimes God allows situations to reveal our spiritual state, as seen with King Zedekiah (2 Chron. 32:31) and as described in Proverbs 17:3. We need Jesus when we realise our sinfulness, affirming our hope in Him (The Great Controversy, p. 471). In trials, God’s presence is vital; separation from Him leads to sin. Jesus emphasises this unity as the secret of power and victory (Col. 1:27, NKJV). We're assured that those in Christ are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17, NKJV). Our spiritual fruit reveals our connection with Christ (Matt. 7:16; John 15:1–5). True religious life is shown through continual union with Christ (The Desire of Ages, p. 676). Trust Him without needing to understand His work; He saves all who come to Him (Heb. 7:25). Christ dwelling in our hearts is our only defense against evil (The Desire of Ages, p. 324). We are called to pray continually, relying on God’s presence and strength. If we draw near to God, He will draw near to us (James 4:8, NKJV).

Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)

Engage in united prayer, following the Holy Spirit's guidance. Use short conversational prayers, incorporating Scriptures like James 1:13.

Prayer Suggestions:
  • Thanks and Praise: Acknowledge blessings and God’s goodness.
  • Confession: Reflect privately and thank God for His forgiveness.
  • Guidance: Seek wisdom for challenges and decisions.
  • Church Needs: Pray for local and global church concerns.
  • Local Requests: Support needs of family and community.
  • Listen and Respond: Wait for God’s voice and respond in praise or song.
Song Suggestions - SDA Hymnal: "Day by Day," "Trust and Obey," "Draw Me Nearer" - Other Songs: "You Are My Hiding Place," "Into My Heart," "Change My Heart, O God"


Sabbath Celebration

Plan the final Sabbath of the Ten Days of Prayer to honour God's goodness and power. Share your experiences with prayer and the spiritual insights gained over the past ten days. Celebrate what God has done, is doing, and will do. Work with local leaders to create a tailored plan for your church service.

2025 Theme:
"But When You Pray..." (Prayer Principles from Jesus)

Theme Verses:
"Lord, teach us to pray." (Luke 11:1, NKJV) Include the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13, NKJV).

Possible Hymns: - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (#290) - Standing on the Promises (#518) - It Is Well With My Soul (#530) - Live Out Thy Life Within Me (#316) - He Lives (#251)

Sermon Ideas:
  • Single Sermon: A sermon on living out the Lord's Prayer.
  • Short Summaries: Participants summarise each of the 10 prayer guides.
  • Short Talks: Three members provide talks on a chosen theme, like the Lord’s Prayer.
  • Other Program Ideas: Include member testimonies, small-group prayer, future prayer activities, a children’s story, and special music.

