Belief #15. Baptism


Chief of Sinners.
Belief #15. Baptism

By baptism we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and testify of our death to sin and of our purpose to walk in newness of life. Thus we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour, become His people, and are received as members by His church. Baptism is a symbol of our union with Christ, the forgiveness of our sins, and our reception of the Holy Spirit. It is by immersion in water and is contingent on an affirmation of faith in Jesus and evidence of repentance of...

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Seventh-day Adventists do not believe in baptizing infants. A person must be old enough to accept responsibility for his/her own actions. Baptism is by immersion. In order to be baptized, a person must agree to this set of thirteen baptismal vows:
  1. I believe in God the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit.
  2. I accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for my sins, and believe that through faith in His shed blood I am saved from sin and its penalty.
  3. I renounce the world and its sinful ways, and have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and believe that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven my sins and given me a new heart.
  4. I accept by faith the righteousness of Christ, recognizing Him as my Intercessor in the heavenly sanctuary, and claim His promise to strengthen me by His indwelling Sprit, so that I may receive power to do His will.
  5. I believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, and that it constitutes the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian.
  6. I accept the Ten Commandments as still binding upon Christians; and it is my purpose by the power of the indwelling Christ, to keep this law, including the fourth commandment, which requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath of the Lord.
  7. I look forward to the soon coming of Jesus as the blessed hope in my heart, and I am determined to be ready to meet the Lord, and to do all in my power to witness to His loving salvation, and by life and word to help others to be ready for His glorious appearing.
  8. I accept the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and believe that the gift of prophecy is one of the identifying marks of the remnant church.
  9. I believe in church organization, and it is my purpose to support the church by my tithes and offerings, and by my personal effort and influence.
  10. I believe that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I will honor God by caring for it, avoiding the use of that which is harmful, abstaining from all unclean foods, from the use, manufacture, or sale of alcoholic beverages, the use, manufacture, or sale of tobacco in any of its forms for human consumption, and from the misuse of or trafficking in, narcotics or other drugs.
  11. I know and understand the fundamental Bible principles as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is my purpose, by the grace of God, to order my life in harmony with these principles.
  12. I accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by immersion, and desire to be so baptized as a public expression of faith in Christ and His forgiveness of my sins.
  13. I accept that the Seventh-day Church is the remnant church of Bible prophecy, and that people of every nation, race, and language are invited and accepted into its fellowship. I desire to be a member in this local congregation of the world church.
Baptism in the Adventist faith is a public declaration of one's commitment to Jesus as Lord and Saviour. It symbolises the believer's acceptance of Christ's sacrifice and their desire to walk in a new life, just as Jesus was baptised by immersion.

Baptism signifies our faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, symbolising our death to sin and a new life. It's essential for church membership and an outward testimony of accepting Christ. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:1-6)

Baptism symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ​

Baptism shows your resolve to follow Jesus and is a vital step in a Christian's spiritual journey. It signifies an internal commitment now visible externally, with the act of immersion representing dying to old ways and rising anew.

The purpose and importance of baptism​

Baptism signals the start of a transformative journey with Christ. In the Bible, it often follows a heart conversion and is a declaration of one's dedication to God, fulfilling Jesus' command to share the gospel and baptize believers.

Where did baptism come from?​

Baptism originates from John the Baptist's ministry of repentance for forgiveness, marked by Jesus' own baptism to set an example for humanity. Jesus was baptised to represent humanity, signaling His mission and acceptance by God.

What is the role of baptism in the Christian’s life?​

Baptism is an expression of a Christian's faith, following Jesus' example of dedication to God. It is not essential for salvation but symbolises the cleansing by the Holy Spirit and readiness to follow Christ.

How do Adventists practice baptism today?​

Adventists practice baptism by full immersion, signifying a believer's rebirth and commitment to Jesus. Candidates usually undertake baptismal classes to understand biblical teachings and Adventist beliefs.