Belief #2. The Godhead

Seventh-day Adventists believe in one God comprised of three co-eternal Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who work together in unity. This belief, known as the Trinity, is rooted deeply in Scripture even though the term "Trinity" is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible.
  • Biblical Insights on the Trinity: - The Bible illustrates the Trinity through various scripture passages, like the baptism of Jesus where all three members were present and active.
  • God the Father: - God the Father is seen as the supreme overseer and sustainer of life. He led the creation of the world through the Son and loves humanity with an everlasting love, demonstrated by sending Jesus for our salvation.
  • God the Son: - God the Son, Jesus Christ, is our Saviour. He became human to connect with us, offering His life for our redemption. He continues to be our advocate and friend.
  • God the Holy Spirit: - The Holy Spirit is our guide and comforter, leading us into truth and helping us to live righteous lives. He works within us to fulfil God's purpose.
  • The Working of the Trinity: - The Trinity operates like a unified team with a common mission of salvation, each member fulfilling distinct roles. God the Father provides love and mercy, God the Son offers grace and redemption, and God the Holy Spirit renews and guides us towards eternal life.
This doctrine illustrates God's infinite love and desire for us to experience salvation through an intimately connected divine relationship.