Belief #20. Sabbath


Chief of Sinners.
Belief #20. Sabbath
The beneficent Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. The fourth commandment of God’s unchangeable law requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of delightful communion with God and one another. It is a symbol of our redemption in Christ, a sign of...

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The Sabbath was established on the seventh day of creation when God rested, blessing it as holy (Genesis 2:2-3). In Exodus 20, God reinforces its importance in the Ten Commandments, urging us to keep it holy by resting from weekly work.

The Sabbath is a memorial of creation, a sign of God’s enduring covenant. It's a day for rest, worship, and reflection on God's work, promoting physical and mental health.

Adventists hold the Sabbath on the seventh day (Saturday), observing it as a sacred time for worship and community. This belief was cemented during a religious revival in the 1800s, with the Seventh-Day Adventist Church forming to honour this day and anticipate Christ’s return.

The Sabbath invites believers to connect with God and others, offering a weekly rhythm of rejuvenation and spiritual growth.

Read more about this fundamental belief here.