Belief #3. Father

God is the perfect, loving Father who remains constant, even when human fathers may fail. He shares an eternal unity with the Son and the Holy Spirit, and is the source of all existence. Seventh-day Adventists uphold the Bible’s teachings about God as all-knowing, powerful, and merciful.
  1. Father: God, the eternal Father, is the Creator, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. His attributes are reflected in the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. The Bible on God the Father: God loves us perfectly, calling us His children. Despite earthly fathers' failures, God's love is unconditional, and He protects the fatherless.
  3. God as Creator and Sustainer: God created humans in His image, highlighting our intelligence and capacity for relationship. As Creator, He spoke the world into existence and formed humans with a personal touch.
  4. Character of God: God is characterized by love, justice, mercy, omnipotence, patience, goodness, holiness, immutability, omniscience, and omnipresence.
  5. Fearing God and Giving Him Glory: To fear God means to respect and revere Him, acknowledging His authority and wisdom.
  6. Relationship with His Children: God seeks a personal relationship with us, assisting us in moments of fear, worry, and need, and offering discipline as a loving Father would. His protection is constant, providing comfort amid life's challenges.
Seventh-day Adventists cherish understanding God the Father as it strengthens their spiritual connection with Him and underscores His loving care for His children.