When God Said Remember

When God Said Remember | Mark Finley 2009

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Chief of Sinners.
Here, I will provide a summarized review of the book, When God Said Remember by Mark Finley.

The author describes the importance of discovering the truth about the Sabbath and its significance in the Bible. He questions why the majority of the Christian world observes Sunday instead of the seventh day, and evidentially explores the change of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day. He emphasizes the need for rest and worship in the twenty-first century and warns that reading the book can challenge traditional beliefs. Since you are seeking truth and long for rest and peace in God, the Sabbath is that source of peace, a satisfying oasis, and a way to experience God's grace. This book will usher you into a new and exciting relationship with God.

Chapter 1. Rest for the Rushed​

Often, we feel overwhelmed with tasks and lack enough time to complete them. The society glamorizes overworking and multitasking without highlighting their negative effects and the stress caused by a busy lifestyle. The author suggests that finding rest and peace can be achieved by observing the Sabbath, a day of rest instituted by God. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the important things in life and finding joy in meaningful relationships. The Sabbath is a holy boundary and a time for reflection, worship, and healing away from the rush of life. It is not only a symbol of rest, God’s love and grace but also a gift from God that brings blessings and restores the mind, body, and spirit.

Chapter 2. Set Free to Obey​

The concept of home has changed over the years, from being a place of refuge and security to now often being a place of conflict and hostility. The author raises concerns about the impact of technology and societal changes on family values and the ability to create a healthy and nurturing home environment. He suggests that more people will work from home in the future and that family values need to be prioritized in order to navigate the challenges of the 21st century. This chapter also highlights the negative influence of violence, immorality, and greed that infiltrate homes through various media channels. There is need for a moral compass and God's moral standards are indispensable, particularly in a society that has largely turned its back on them. The author weaves in into the discussion the connection between law and grace, highlighting that obedience to God's law is a response of love rather than a means of earning salvation. The Ten Commandments are God's moral guidelines for living and keeping them leads to freedom and genuine happiness. Accepting Jesus and His grace is a sure antidote for past mistakes and a source of empowerment to live obedient lives.

Chapter 3. A Day to Remember​

Something profound happened in 1992. The COBE satellite provided evidence of the universe having a definite beginning, challenging the belief that matter always existed. Hugh Ross, in his book "The Creator and the Cosmos," argues that this discovery supports the existence of God. The Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, is a day to remember the Creator and a symbol of true worship in both the present and the future. It has been kept throughout history by various biblical figures, including Jesus and his disciples. Therefore, the Sabbath is not exclusively a Jewish institution but was given to all of humanity as a day of rest and worship. It is an eternal sign of God's creative power and is linked to the New Jerusalem in the book of Revelation. There is no evidence of any lost time or change in the weekly cycle, and the Bible Sabbath, which is Saturday, has remained unchanged from ancient times. It is important for every believer to follow Jesus and do His will.

Chapter 4. History’s Greatest Hoax​

Things are not always what they seem as both history and science can prove to us. Just because something is believed for a long time or by many people, does not necessarily make it true. Satan attempts to deceive people in the Christian church, particularly in relation to the Sabbath. That Satan would try to change God's law is not a mere allegation. There are records showing the Catholic Church openly acknowledging changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. It is important to choose to follow the Bible and God's law and obey His word rather than tradition or human teachings.

Chapter 5. Bible Answers to Your Sabbath Questions​

After attending a series of meetings on Bible prophecy, John and his wife were challenged with new truths, particularly the Bible Sabbath. Their doubts and questions were addressed satisfactorily when they poured themselves in Bible study. Just like John and his wife, ask questions and seek answers in the Bible. Jesus declared the truth in His word; therefore, we should sanctify the Lord in our hearts and be ready to defend our faith. The author addresses questions about the law of God, salvation by grace, the importance of Sabbath keeping, and the role of Peter in the early church. Jesus is the foundation and source of strength. A knowledge of Him opens the doors to salvation.

Chapter 6. Keeping the Sabbath Wholly​

God can intervene in situations where you do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. The author describes a situation where one believer, Jonathan, was faced with the dilemma of his final exam falling on the Sabbath, which conflicted with his religious beliefs. His professor refused to accommodate his beliefs but was pleasantly surprised when every student taking the class was given a passing grade without even sitting the exam when the professor lost the exam papers. Sabbath keeping involves dedicating the day to worship and renewal, as well as building relationships with family and friends. The author shares personal testimonies of individuals who chose to prioritize their faith over other commitments. You too can experience the blessings of Sabbath keeping and reap the joy and rest it can bring. The Sabbath is a time for spiritual, physical, and mental rejuvenation, as well as a chance to serve others and strengthen relationships.

Chapter 7. Exposing the Devil’s Deceptive Delusions​

The author discusses the documentary "Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed," which reveals the illusions and tricks used by magicians. He then draws a parallel between the illusions of magic and the deceptions of Satan, who is the ultimate illusionist and deceiver. He discusses concept of Babylon, which represents false religious systems that deceive people with false teachings and traditions. He highlights the five identifying features of Babylon, including the acceptance of traditions above God's word, the presence of an earthly head of the church, the use of images in worship, the belief in an immortal soul, and the practice of sun worship. God calls all to come out of Babylon and faithfully follow the true teachings of Christ in full surrender to Him.

Chapter 8. Whose Flag Will Fly?​

In a world filled with competing claims for truth, allegiance and worship to God has never been more important. The author uses the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the book of Daniel to illustrate the importance of unwavering faith in God and the consequences of false worship. He also highlights the significance of observing the Sabbath as a symbol of allegiance to the Creator. There is need for unconditional faith and commitment to God in order to withstand the challenges and conflicts of the world. The author concludes with a prayer acknowledging God as the Creator and Redeemer and seeking His guidance and strength in times of conflict.

Please download the book and read it as well. It is only 128 pages long.
I can't seem to find the link to download the book. when I click on "download the bok in the opening post, it takes me to another page with no link. I might be missing it.
I can't seem to find the link to download the book. when I click on "download the bok in the opening post, it takes me to another page with no link. I might be missing it.
When you click on the link, you will be directed to the resource page. Click “Go to download” to get the book.