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Feb 1, 2025 at 12:00 AM
Feb 1, 2025 at 11:59 PM
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Territorial Assignment
Jesus originally tasked us with spreading the Gospel worldwide (Mark 16:15). This mission is renewed for the church, requiring all members to engage in local missionary work. It's expected that everyone contributes, whether at home or further afield (Christian Service, p. 9, 12, 74). In 1974, a plan was adopted to assign specific missionary territories to each church member, involving all church levels in the process. The pastor and church board are responsible for dividing the church’s territory. Key questions include: What is our evangelistic goal? Is our current plan effective? Are all members involved? Plans for outreach must be proactive, anticipating the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.Preparatory Work
Preparation for Assignment Sabbath involves reviewing the church membership list to determine how many family units can be allocated a segment of the territory. Each unit, defined as a resident, able-bodied group, receives a specific territory. The strategy includes dividing the total territory into segments for each unit, aiming to fully utilise all members’ abilities.A spirit of faith and teamwork is encouraged, even for previously inactive members, based on principles from Ellen White’s writings. Maps should outline the boundaries of each territory, with copies available for members to select or be assigned their areas. Considerations include proximity, family size, and resources. Members should be encouraged to select methods for engaging with their territories, focusing initially on prayer and acquaintance.
Assignment Sabbath
Territory assignment occurs during the worship hour of Assignment Sabbath, accompanied by a spiritual sermon. Territories are distributed, and each family receives a guide booklet and map segment. They are encouraged to pray for and acquaint themselves with their areas, leading to eventual service and outreach.Ensuring Continuity
Territorial assignments enhance church activities like health classes and literature distribution. Success depends on the involvement of all members, making missionary efforts part of everyday life. Assignments should be regularly reviewed, encouraging active involvement through practices like the buddy system and prayer partnerships.Pastoral Responsibility
Territorial assignments aid pastoral ministry, encouraging members to deepen their spiritual experiences through practical involvement. Pastors can collaborate with members to re-engage them in outreach.Suggested Approaches
Various activities can be utilised within territories, including;- Friendship visitation. See Christian Service, pages 113-131.
- Community religious survey. See Witnessing for Christ, pages 35-41, 74.
- Radio-TV survey. See Personal Ministries leaflet Discover Bible School.
- Community Services survey. See Personal Ministries leaflet Community Services.
- Bible correspondence school enrollments. See Personal Ministries leaflet Discover Bible School.
- Missionary journal distribution. See Personal Ministries leaflet Visiting With Literature.
- Literature distribution. See Personal Ministries leaflet Visiting With Literature.
- Welfare approach. See Personal Ministries leaflet Community Services.
- Temperance approach. This could include Five-Day Plans and temperance literature, including Listen.
- Health approach. This could include health screenings, cooking classes, and health literature, including Life and Health.
- Lending library for books or cassettes. Lend cassettes or books to interested persons in conjunction with weekly visits.
- Give Bible Plan. See Witnessing for Christ, pages 51-53, and Personal Ministries leaflet Bible Studies.
- Ingathering. See Personal Ministries leaflet Ingathering Evangelism.
- Audio-visual Bible studies. See Personal Ministries leaflet Discover Bible School and Bible Studies.
See original text on personal ministries website.
Download this document for ways to organize outreach activities in your church.