I would like to share some thoughts and conclusions regarding that which I have pondered for some time and I am curious if this rings true with anyone else?
At the fall, humanity was at odds with their Maker. Ellen says that they were given Satan's nature. They were at enmity with God. There was nothing within them that could turn their heart back to God, for that had died on that fateful day. Love was replaced by fear and fleshly desires. I had to ask myself, in this condition how could it be possible that the family of Adam could survive 4000 years before the Savior came on the scene?
The provision was already in place and ready to be put into action. The Son would step down from the throne and give His life to the fallen race, right then and there. He was the enmity against evil that God promised to the serpent, so that the seed of the woman (all her children) would have something that could bring them back to God.
The conclusion I had to come to is that the Son of God was given to humanity while in Eden, to replace that which had perished because of rebellion.
It is written: He was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world
He is the light that lights every man that came into the world. Would not that also include Cain, Able, Seth and so on?
EGW states, "As soon as there was sin, there was a Saviour. He who has given light to all, He who has followed the soul with tender entreaty, seeking to win it from sin to holiness, is in one its advocate and judge. He who through all the ages has been seeking to wrest the captives from the deceiver's grasp, is the one who will pass judgment on every soul. HLv 133.3 "
I've come to believe that the Son, who has lived in every offspring of Adam, is that still small voice that is reaching out and pleading with the Father on each souls behalf. If the soul would feel the divinely supplied need for release from sin, it could accept that heart cry as it's own. If the soul would consent the Son would so identify with its thoughts and aims, so blend its heart and mind into conformity to His will that when obeying Him it would be but carrying out its own impulses. The soul would be thinking God's thoughts after Him. The Son brought with Him into each and every soul certain gifts. His own love for the Father, and an ability to hear the Father's personal instructions to each soul and a willingness to obey the Father and a godly hatred of sin.
4,000 years later the life of Mary's son, who was fully in submission to the Son of God within him, would be a living parable to make clearer the plan for mankind to be fully restored to the image of God.
When I considered the demoniac in Luke 8, it seemed that there was a full and complete possession. As I consider that this capacity of completely filling the soul temple to the point that the spirit and the human act as one, I realize that God must have made this capacity possible for His own use and the devil had hijacked it. If this is the case then I understood in a better way how the Son of God has been bearing the sin of the world from Eden until this day. In each individual the Son feels distinctly the effects of sin and he bears it with us and for us or it with crush us.
"As one with us, He must bear the burden of our guilt and woe. The Sinless One must feel the shame of sin. The peace lover must dwell with strife, the truth must abide with falsehood, purity with vileness. Every sin, every discord, every defiling lust that transgression had brought, was torture to His spirit. DA 111.4" He saw and felt it all. This sounds like a very intimate connection with each human agent.
"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." Matt. 8:17
Jesus never experienced the myriad of diseases that affect humanity, but the Son of God who is spirit, dwelling within all humanity could bear their iniquity and experience their sicknesses and infirmities in a very real and intimate way.
These words above have given me reason to believe that the Son took up residence in everyone to attempt to save some. When I consider the story I grew up with that he suffered baring the sins of the world for a few hours on the cross, and what I have come to see, that He has suffered the burden of sin from the fall until this day, it is beyond comparison. This kind of sacrificial love cannot be measured.
At the fall, humanity was at odds with their Maker. Ellen says that they were given Satan's nature. They were at enmity with God. There was nothing within them that could turn their heart back to God, for that had died on that fateful day. Love was replaced by fear and fleshly desires. I had to ask myself, in this condition how could it be possible that the family of Adam could survive 4000 years before the Savior came on the scene?
The provision was already in place and ready to be put into action. The Son would step down from the throne and give His life to the fallen race, right then and there. He was the enmity against evil that God promised to the serpent, so that the seed of the woman (all her children) would have something that could bring them back to God.
The conclusion I had to come to is that the Son of God was given to humanity while in Eden, to replace that which had perished because of rebellion.
It is written: He was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world
He is the light that lights every man that came into the world. Would not that also include Cain, Able, Seth and so on?
EGW states, "As soon as there was sin, there was a Saviour. He who has given light to all, He who has followed the soul with tender entreaty, seeking to win it from sin to holiness, is in one its advocate and judge. He who through all the ages has been seeking to wrest the captives from the deceiver's grasp, is the one who will pass judgment on every soul. HLv 133.3 "
I've come to believe that the Son, who has lived in every offspring of Adam, is that still small voice that is reaching out and pleading with the Father on each souls behalf. If the soul would feel the divinely supplied need for release from sin, it could accept that heart cry as it's own. If the soul would consent the Son would so identify with its thoughts and aims, so blend its heart and mind into conformity to His will that when obeying Him it would be but carrying out its own impulses. The soul would be thinking God's thoughts after Him. The Son brought with Him into each and every soul certain gifts. His own love for the Father, and an ability to hear the Father's personal instructions to each soul and a willingness to obey the Father and a godly hatred of sin.
4,000 years later the life of Mary's son, who was fully in submission to the Son of God within him, would be a living parable to make clearer the plan for mankind to be fully restored to the image of God.
When I considered the demoniac in Luke 8, it seemed that there was a full and complete possession. As I consider that this capacity of completely filling the soul temple to the point that the spirit and the human act as one, I realize that God must have made this capacity possible for His own use and the devil had hijacked it. If this is the case then I understood in a better way how the Son of God has been bearing the sin of the world from Eden until this day. In each individual the Son feels distinctly the effects of sin and he bears it with us and for us or it with crush us.
"As one with us, He must bear the burden of our guilt and woe. The Sinless One must feel the shame of sin. The peace lover must dwell with strife, the truth must abide with falsehood, purity with vileness. Every sin, every discord, every defiling lust that transgression had brought, was torture to His spirit. DA 111.4" He saw and felt it all. This sounds like a very intimate connection with each human agent.
"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." Matt. 8:17
Jesus never experienced the myriad of diseases that affect humanity, but the Son of God who is spirit, dwelling within all humanity could bear their iniquity and experience their sicknesses and infirmities in a very real and intimate way.
These words above have given me reason to believe that the Son took up residence in everyone to attempt to save some. When I consider the story I grew up with that he suffered baring the sins of the world for a few hours on the cross, and what I have come to see, that He has suffered the burden of sin from the fall until this day, it is beyond comparison. This kind of sacrificial love cannot be measured.