Lesson 10: Lessons from the Past

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Sabbath School Lessons The Psalms: Where God and People Meet Heart to Heart
  1. Video Introduction 00:00:33
  2. Video Lesson 1. How to Read the Psalms 00:58:30
  3. Video Lesson 2. Teach us to Pray 00:58:30
  4. Video Lesson 3. The Lord Reigns 00:58:30
  5. Video Lesson 4. The Lord Hears and Delivers 00:58:30
  6. Video Lesson 5. Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land 00:58:30
  7. Video Lesson 6. I Will Arise 00:58:30
  8. Video Lesson 7. Your Mercy Reaches to the Heavens 00:58:30
  9. Video Lesson 8. Wisdom for Righteous Living 00:58:30
  10. Video Lesson 9: Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord 00:58:30
  11. Video Lesson 10: Lessons from the Past 00:58:30
  12. Video Lesson 11: Longing for God in Zion 00:58:30
  13. Video Lesson 12: Worship that Never Ends 00:58:30
  14. Video Lesson 13: Waiting on the Lord 00:58:30
Memory Text:
“Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done” (Psalm 78:3, 4, NKJV).

Sabbath School Video is provided courtesy of Hope Sabbath School.
Watch more episodes at: Hope Sabbath School - Official

The Teacher's notes (attached) are prepared by Teresa Thompson for the Outlook Magazine.


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