Lesson 2: A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

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Sabbath School Lessons The Book of Mark
  1. Video Lesson 1: The Beginning of the Gospel 00:58:25
  2. Video Lesson 2: A Day in the Ministry of Jesus 00:59:00
  3. Video Lesson 3: Controversies 00:58:05
  4. Video Lesson 4: Parables 00:58:20
  5. Video Lesson 5: Miracles Around the Lake 00:58:19
  6. Video Lesson 6: Inside Out 00:57:57
  7. Video Lesson 7: Teaching Disciples: Part I 00:58:10
  8. Video Lesson 8: Teaching Disciples: Part II 00:58:02
  9. Video Lesson 9: Jerusalem Controversies 00:58:27
  10. Video Lesson 10: The Last Days of Jesus Before His Crucifixion 00:55:42
  11. Video Lesson 11: Taken And Tried 00:58:15
  12. Video Lesson 12: Tried and Crucified 00:58:05
  13. Video Lesson 13: The Risen Lord 00:58:12
Memory Text:
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men’ ” (Mark 1:17, NKJV).

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