Lesson 8: Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence

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Sabbath School Lessons God's Love and Justice
  1. Video Lesson 1: God Loves Freely 00:57:54
  2. Video Lesson 2: Covenantal Love 00:58:09
  3. Video Lesson 3: To Be Pleasing to God 00:58:06
  4. Video Lesson 4: God is Compassionate and Passionate 00:57:53
  5. Video Lesson 5: The Wrath of Divine Love 00:57:00
  6. Video Lesson 6: God's Love of Justice 00:57:23
  7. Video Lesson 7: The Problem of Evil 00:58:24
  8. Video Lesson 8: Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence 00:57:08
  9. Video Lesson 9: The Cosmic Conflict 00:57:51
  10. Video Lesson 10: Rules of Engagement 00:57:43
Memory Text:
“ ‘These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world’ ” (John 16:33, NKJV).

Sabbath School Video is provided courtesy of Hope Sabbath School.
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