Lesson 10: Rules of Engagement

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Sabbath School Lessons God's Love and Justice
  1. Video Lesson 1: God Loves Freely 00:57:54
  2. Video Lesson 2: Covenantal Love 00:58:09
  3. Video Lesson 3: To Be Pleasing to God 00:58:06
  4. Video Lesson 4: God is Compassionate and Passionate 00:57:53
  5. Video Lesson 5: The Wrath of Divine Love 00:57:00
  6. Video Lesson 6: God's Love of Justice 00:57:23
  7. Video Lesson 7: The Problem of Evil 00:58:24
  8. Video Lesson 8: Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence 00:57:08
  9. Video Lesson 9: The Cosmic Conflict 00:57:51
  10. Video Lesson 10: Rules of Engagement 00:57:43
Memory Text:
“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8, NKJV).

Sabbath School Video is provided courtesy of Hope Sabbath School.
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