sabbath school lesson

  1. God's Love and Justice

    God's Love and Justice

    The Bible states in 1 John 4:8, 16 that God is love, a central theme of the Christian faith. Love is fundamental to God's character and should influence our beliefs and actions. Misunderstanding God's love can lead to misconceptions, such as believing it must be earned. This impacts how we...
  2. The Book of Mark

    The Book of Mark

    In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is revealed as the Messiah and Son of God. Despite this, there is secrecy surrounding His identity, known as the Messianic Secret. The first half of the book focuses on the question of who Jesus is, with Peter eventually declaring Him as the Christ. The second half...
  3. The Great Controversy

    The Great Controversy

    This quarter’s lessons trace world history from God’s viewpoint, as prophecy reveals it, from the time of Christ down through the centuries to our day and beyond. God’s very nature is love, and therefore, all His acts are loving, though this fact may not always be evident to finite human beings...
  4. The Psalms: Where God and People Meet Heart to Heart

    The Psalms: Where God and People Meet Heart to Heart

    The Psalms are prayers and hymns of the Bible par excellence. Uttered in praise, joy, sorrow, and despair; spoken or sung in private and in public by laypeople, kings, poets, and priests; coming from both the righteous and repentant sinners, the Psalms have served as the prayer book and the...