Keeping the Sabbath day

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Does anyone really keep the Sabbath day as it says in Exodus 16:29 on the Sabbath day stay in your place don't leave your place so no one can go to church on the Sabbath day as you have to stay in your place of course people will say Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath so you can do good on the Sabbath day going to church is good Jesus with his disciples walking through a field picked the crop that was growing in the field so Jesus was harvesting working on the Sabbath day so we must be able to work also on the Sabbath church will have to be held on another day as no one can travel on the Sabbath day it doesn't say in the bible what day to attend the synagogue or church but it can't be on the Sabbath day if you want to live by the law you have to keep all the laws God writes how it is be done not a watered down version of the Law as people are keeping then you are just messing around with God's laws but if the church did keep the Sabbath day law as it says in the Exodus 16 29 many and many people will leave the church people won't give two days to God one the Sabbath and the other day for church
Yes good answer but do SDA church really believe who Jesus Christ is as they used to teach that Jesus is Michael the archangel and when I attended SDA church most times don't even mention Jesus and close the service with something Mrs white wrote they teach the Sabbath day as it is a condition to get to heaven and that all other churches are no good and keep away from them it all amounts to being a religious cult Roman's 10:4 say Jesus is the end of the law Colossians 2:16 Galatians 3:23-25 then John 3:16 says for God so loved the world his sent his only son who ever believes in him will be saved act's 16:31 John 14:16 act's 4:12 the whole new testament is just about Jesus just believe in Jesus and you will be saved it doesn't say believe in Jesus and keep the Sabbath day no just believe Jesus of course like the Catholics say they believe in Jesus but not who he really is and what he can do in people's lives. Jesus says I am the only way to God there is no other way so the SDA church seems to believe like the Catholics do they talk about Jesus but make their own way there is nothing wrong with going to church on Saturday but if you make it a requirement to get to heaven then you don't really believe who Jesus is and what Jesus done for every person on earth to die on the cross like Jesus did is not something to be taken lightly. When a religious group like Jehovah witness Mormons Catholics make's extra things you have to be done to be saved from your sins they are saying Jesus is not enough that's the problem with people if God made a 100 ways to get to heaven people will want one more way but there's only one way Jesus Christ. This is the unforgivable sin not accepting Jesus as Lord and saviour a religious group can not save any body no matter what church group it is if the church I attend was to begin to say this church is the only true church and everyone who attends this church is the only believers I would walk out never to return its not the religious group that saves it is only faith in Jesus. I went with the people who are SDA quite a few times but they would never go with me to my church they said they are not allowed because my church is fuse church you see my point about religious cult don't go there or you will die stay here where we can keep an eye on you.
It is true, we are saved only through our faith in Jesus and not by our works. My question to you, how do you show that you have faith in Jesus?
Good question I myself would say that I attend a church that lives and teaches out of the book of Act's and most of the new testament I volunteer at the church on roster system. I read the Bible and study certain subjects that I am interested in also when if a Catholic person tells me about what their church teachs I tell and show them that it is not of God as it is not in the bible same with Jehovah witness and Mormans I try to show them the right way to believe it sometimes the talk can turn out to hour's. The church that I attend sends alot of money to help other churches over seas and not so long ago sponsored 20 children in poor countries then 25 people in the church decided they want to sponsor children on their own so 45 children got a sponsor it is run by compassion Australia. This church is always helping other people if I didn't have faith in Jesus I wouldn't go to church and I wouldn't volunteer or try to tell people the right way for salvation and the the church I attend is 35km one way and with the traffic it's a big trip I have thought of going to a church closer to me but this church seems to have so much faith in Jesus that that's where I have learned more about the bible then any other church I have been to in the past.
Good question I myself would say that I attend a church that lives and teaches out of the book of Act's and most of the new testament I volunteer at the church on roster system. I read the Bible and study certain subjects that I am interested in also when if a Catholic person tells me about what their church teachs I tell and show them that it is not of God as it is not in the bible same with Jehovah witness and Mormans I try to show them the right way to believe it sometimes the talk can turn out to hour's. The church that I attend sends alot of money to help other churches over seas and not so long ago sponsored 20 children in poor countries then 25 people in the church decided they want to sponsor children on their own so 45 children got a sponsor it is run by compassion Australia. This church is always helping other people if I didn't have faith in Jesus I wouldn't go to church and I wouldn't volunteer or try to tell people the right way for salvation and the the church I attend is 35km one way and with the traffic it's a big trip I have thought of going to a church closer to me but this church seems to have so much faith in Jesus that that's where I have learned more about the bible then any other church I have been to in the past.
I can see that you do a lot of good works, showing compassion to the less fortunate. This is despite knowing that good works alone cannot justify a man before God. Yet there is still a commitment to do good works. This proves one thing; you cannot show faith without works (James 2:26).

Also, Jesus says, "If you love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). More emphasis on this subject in John 14:21, Leviticus 26:14. I can conclude that it is not possible to love God and fail to obey His commandments. And he commands that we should love God with everything we have, and love our neighbours as ourselves (Mark 12:29-31). This is how Jesus summarised the 10 commandments when he was asked which commandment is the greatest. In saying this, he did not negate the significance of any of the 10 commandments. The first four commandments seal our relationship with God and the last six commandments seal our relationship with fellow human beings. In 1 John 4:20, it is written "If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen."

I will reiterate that I am a Seventh-day Adventist because the teachings of the church make more biblical sense to me, according to the faith I have in Jesus as my personal saviour. It is good practice to question one's faith (1 Peter 3:15) and investigate the teachings one receives (Acts 17:11), weighing if they are sound (Isaiah 8:20). At the end of the day, we are not saved as a group/corporate. Salvation is personal (Romans 14:12) and God will judge both the living and the dead according to the truth that was given to them (1 Peter 4:5).

Please keep doing the good works of compassion.
I have looked for a long time in the new testament and I can't find that Jesus actually said to keep the Sabbath day he only says 9 of the ten commandments. From the time of Adam and Eve to the time of Moses there is no mention of Sabbath day Israel was slaves of 400 years and worked seven days a week so they couldn't keep it and Moses was bought up as a Egyptian so he himself didn't keep it for how many years no mention of Sabbath day and when it is given to the Jewish people by Moses it says it is to remember that once you were slaves in Egypt and that God got them out no mention of creation just that you were slaves of course people will say Abraham listened to God commands can't be the ten commandments as he committed adultery and lied and Jacob had many wife's and stole his brother birth right and lied also just to name a few sins they done so if they didn't keep the many of or none of the ten commandments as there were none given to them until Moses. Even a person who doesn't believe in God or any thing in the bible if you gave them The job of finding the Sabbath before Moses what would be the conclusion there is no mention at all before Moses and it was given in the desert to to the Jewish people not to Egypt or any of the other people.Are you Jewish has your relations being salves one time even Jews who are now become Christian don't keep Sabbath day as it was a old covenant the new covenant is Jesus he fulfilled the law. No one is going to hell because they dont keep the Sabbath day but they will go to hell if they don't believe who Jesus is in full many religious groups talk about Jesus but there is no power in their talking a little bit of Jesus and a lot of what they think that's what Jesus said beware of wolves in sheep's clothing he said also many will come in my name and say here is the Christ but they are fulse prophet's look into it and see what you think
Show where it mentions it from Adam to Moses the SDA church just speculates no facts. Since I have started all this chats I have found out there are many religious groups That keep the Sabbath day I lost count but the SDA church still doesn't endorse them as a good groups as they don't do as SDA church doe's you see how people put SDA church as cult because they say we are the only ones who believe probably they think they are the new chosen people and God doesn't recognise the Jewish people anymore is that right?.
You haven’t answered my question.

I think you are seeking an argument. Unfortunately, your postulations are unfounded. You supply no biblical reference to support your points.

Everything I have said to you until now, I have supplied biblical references in support as it should be. To prove that I am not just giving you my unfounded opinion.

Nowhere have I said that Jesus is not enough. I have said several times that salvation is by grace alone and supplied biblical texts to support that premise (you can scroll back to confirm).

Salvation by grace does not absolve you from obeying the law. In fact, grace teaches men to eschew sin and live soberly, righteously and godly (Titus 2:11). Sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4-6). If the grace and the law are this connected, then how can you claim that you are saved by grace and does not need the law? How will you know that you have sinned and now need the saving grace of God?

Sin, which is transgression of the law, brings death (Romans 5:12-21). The law is designed to lead us to Christ, who is the only one who can give us the righteousness demanded by the law (Galatians 3:22-24). We are therefore justified by faith in the redemptive grace of Jesus who imputes His righteousness to us by taking away our sins. In short, without the law, there is no need for grace because there will be nothing to show us that we have transgressed.
Yes God reasted on the seventh day he didn't command any one to do the same he commented Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from one tree and the other verses in Exodus are after Moses gave the ten commandments.
Read Exodus 20:8-11 where God commands everyone to rest on the Sabbath.

I ask again, do you have a problem with the Sabbath or the SDA church? I will not respond again until you answer this question.
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Well IF there's no need to keep the Sabbath day then why do the SDA church say that it is. I already said that the ten commandments were given to the Jewish people in the desert even the Jewish people are wasting their time trying to keep the Sabbath as Jesus came to save everyone who wants him. Here are versus Galatians 3:13. 2:24. 3:10. 5:4. 1 Peter 2:24. Romans 2:20. 3:25-26. Hebrews 9:15. Titus 3:5. Act's 4:12.
Well IF there's no need to keep the Sabbath day then why do the SDA church say that it is. I already said that the ten commandments were given to the Jewish people in the desert even the Jewish people are wasting their time trying to keep the Sabbath as Jesus came to save everyone who wants him. Here are versus Galatians 3:13. 2:24. 3:10. 5:4. 1 Peter 2:24. Romans 2:20. 3:25-26. Hebrews 9:15. Titus 3:5. Act's 4:12.
Interesting conversation. Is the commandment forbidding against stealing for the Jews only? Or commandment against murder. It's a Jewish commandment, right? “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath” (Mark 2:27). It doesn't say Jew. Man is humankind.
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