Sabbath Guidelines

Burbank Rob

New member
Hello. This is my very first post. I was baptized into the SDA church in Burbank, Illinois on October 31, 1987. I'd like to get your input on a very basic question. How do you decide what is acceptable to do on Sabbath? How do you define "work"?
Is the ten commandments it talking about do you keep the ten commandments or just one the Sabbath day that's all SDA talks about none of the other commandments.
What does the bible say?

Christ said...

"Love the lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul and, love thy neighbour as thyself." (Matthew 22:37)

If you catalogue the ten commandments here's what you get...

1-4 = Love God
5-10 = Love thy neighbour

Go through Exodus 20 and check for yourself...Christ is talking about keeping all of the commandments.

As far as whether or not the Sabbath is included...

"And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read (Luke 4:16)

Christ practised what he preached...that was the point i think.

I am beginning to wonder if you believe all this stuff about SDA because "seventh day" is in the name?

Google AI explains that btw...

AI Overview

The Seventh-day Adventist church chose its name because it reflects their beliefs about the Sabbath and the return of Jesus Christ:

Ifyou believe the above makes us a cult, what about Seventh Day Baptists...are they a cult too?
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Yes Jesus went to the synagogue on the Sabbath to talk to the Jews as they would be there on that day if he went any other day they wouldn't be there it doesn't say what day to attend the synagogue or church. What about the other nine law's never hear much about them just one law. If every church decided to keep the Sabbath day SDA would still not accept them as believer's.
Yes Jesus went to the synagogue on the Sabbath to talk to the Jews as they would be there on that day if he went any other day they wouldn't be there it doesn't say what day to attend the synagogue or church. What about the other nine law's never hear much about them just one law. If every church decided to keep the Sabbath day SDA would still not accept them as believer's.
Why not?

Who told you the SDA church dont accept other Christians as believer's?

The SDA view is that we are part of the Christian Church...not that the Christian Church is part of the SDA denomination.

Do you understand the relationship between Christianity and Denominations?

There is no such thing as Gods Church (in terms of a specific denomination).

Christians are Gods people...spiritual Israel is another way of describing the New Testament movement Christ started.

He even said Himself during His ministry, "he came to fulfill the ancient prophecies concerning Himself" ...those original prophecies were given to Israelites...Gods people.

The expectation was in ancient times that the Israelites would spread the gospel (of the coming messiah) to the rest of the world.

The Israelites failed to do that, instead alienating the rest of the world from God by turning themselves into a kind of special religious sect...they largely kept it exclusively for themselves. This was what the prophet Jeremiah was talking about when he foretold the new covenant... Gods people broke their promise made at sinai. They turned the law and the gospel into a burden...believing it was the literal shedding of the blood of sheep and goats that saved...this was was corrected in Hebrews 10:4
When I started this thread about does anyone keep the Sabbath day and someone by the name chief was replying I asked if a person does not keep the Sabbath day law what happens to them when they die he said as it says in revelation of them who keeps the commandments and faith in Jesus will only go to heaven I asked what if a person belongs to a church group that does keep the Sabbath day but is not the SDA group he seems to say still will not make it to heaven because only SDA group are the only ones who really teach from the bible I use to watch free satellite TV and the SDA stations they would say the same SDA won't say it out right to people as people would get put off but they will teach their bible study's and slowly introduce it. When I went to the SDA with people I knew years ago they would say the same other churches are not really believeers. One time when I went to the SDA meeting the chap who was talking said that all the other church group's have wondered away from the SDA as the SDA was the first Prositent church and all the others have gone their own way when it is the other way around SDA comes from the Prositent church and introduced Sabbath keeping it's world history. The Catholics go on Sunday to church because they copied the early church. Catholics didn't make it the first Christian's made church on Sunday's because Jesus rose on the first day of the week and Paul said that works of the Law can not save anyone but only faith in Jesus can take away sins it doesn't matter what day people go to church the church can not save you only faith in Jesus Christ can wash away your sins that's what the whole new testament is about.
When I started this thread about does anyone keep the Sabbath day and someone by the name chief was replying I asked if a person does not keep the Sabbath day law what happens to them when they die he said as it says in revelation of them who keeps the commandments and faith in Jesus will only go to heaven I asked what if a person belongs to a church group that does keep the Sabbath day but is not the SDA group he seems to say still will not make it to heaven because only SDA group are the only ones who really teach from the bible
You are now lying. All the threads are available on this platform, can you quote where I said this "still will not make it to heaven because only SDA group are the only ones who really teach from the bible" exactly?

I derive no value dragging arguments with you. You have used the phrase, "I am right" on multiple occasions, revealing your intention as being keen on holding your thoughts even when you do not have evidence to support your stance. Any sensible person will be able to go through the threads, find evidence and make judgments on what is evidentially true.

You indicated that you rest on Sabbath at home and go to church on Sunday. You believe in the fourth commandment, but you have a problem with SDA's keeping it and talking about it because they don't do it the way you do it. And because they don't do it as you do it, you call SDA a cult. I think you need to calm down and introspect where the problem really is.

Sabbath worship was not introduced by SDA. The old world observed and worshipped on the Sabbath without question. Then Constantine happened and Sunday worship was venerated. Then Protestantism happened. Then we are here.
I only rest on Saturday because I have worked five days and have stay home to get real rest not because it's a law many people do the same I am doing it the way it is written in Exodus without trying I am better than the SDA because I don't travel anywhere on Saturday to keep the Sabbath day holy you know what holy means tell me what you think holy really means.
I only rest on Saturday because I have worked five days and have stay home to get real rest not because it's a law many people do the same I am doing it the way it is written in Exodus without trying I am better than the SDA because I don't travel anywhere on Saturday to keep the Sabbath day holy you know what holy means tell me what you think holy really means.
I love how you conveniently ignored responding to the lie you made about me.

Holy means pure/undefiled/sanctified, and set apart/dedicated to God for a special purpose (Genesis 2:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:7). It is a state of being consecrated and utterly distinct from the ordinary or profane. Holiness is not only a gift from God (1 Corinthians 1:30), but also something to be pursued (Hebrews 12:12-14; 1 Peter 1:15-16). We pursue holiness through reading the word of God and living the truth, a walk worthy of the calling for which we have been called (John 17:17; Ephesians 4:1).

The whole of Hebrews 12 describes how to pursue holiness.

I am better than the SDA because I don't travel anywhere on Saturday to keep the Sabbath day holy
Luke 18:10–14 (KJV 1900): 10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Well how are you keeping the Sabbath holy when you are driving on the Sabbath day. I went many times with the people I knew to SDA one morning on the drive there someone cut in front of him and he got really upset and got angry when we got the SDA property to park the car someone else has parked their car that it was really hard for anyone else to park their cars on a camp meeting as there was many people car parking was on a field and someone's kid opened the car door and hit another car next to it so the people had words about it so how you think it is keeping the Sabbath day holy when people get angry if they stayed at home on the Sabbath then it would of been holy. And you say about I am saying I am better. At one meeting at the SDA a pasty face man came on stage puffed up with pride that he has kept the Sabbath day since he was born and how he is a better man for keeping it I really don't know how any real church can let someone come out on stage and talk like that most normal church's someone comes out and says let's give a big hand for Jesus as he came to save us from our sins you see the difference between SDA and other churches a Christian church will say it is Jesus that we are going to heaven and we have done nothing to deserve it it only because of Jesus sacrifice we are saved not by our work's of the Law in Galatians 2:16 it says we are not justified by the work's of the Law and in Colossians 2:1-23 and in Romans 14:1-7 try and read these versus.
At one meeting at the SDA a pasty face man came on stage puffed up with pride that he has kept the Sabbath day since he was born and how he is a better man for keeping it I really don't know how any real church can let someone come out on stage and talk like that most normal church's someone comes out and says let's give a big hand for Jesus as he came to save us from our sins
Based on how you have described this situation, it is evident that did not like what happened. I agree with you, I also don't like it. I believe many other members in that meeting also did not like the pomposity.

It is true, Jesus came to save us from our sins (which is the transgression of the law). A saved person does not continue in sin (John 8:11; Romans 6:1-2; 22-23). Notice Romans 6:22, "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life." It says the grace sets you free from sin but makes you a slave of God. Slaves work and do the bidding of their master. Doing the bidding of God leads to sanctification and eternal life. It is a gift. The Spirit of God works in them to yield the fruit that is pleasing to God (Galatians 5:22-26), and no one can boast that they are good before God because they keep the commandments.

Except, you are doing the exact same thing when you claim,
I am better than the SDA because I don't travel anywhere on Saturday to keep the Sabbath day holy
Well I stayed home all day Saturday didn't drive anywhere and Sunday morning went to church didn't stop at a as shop after church and came home and went back to church for the evening service I keep the Sabbath day the right way not a washed down version so I will make it to heaven and because you don't keep it the way it is written you won't get into heaven it's easy to keep the Sabbath no big deal as I said people next door even keep it and don't even believe in God.
This does not make you any different from the pompous boaster.

Regarding those who get angry and offend in their anger, I recommend Ephesians 4:26-27. Anger is how you respond to external stimuli.
  • You could slip in the bathroom when you are resting at home, injure yourself and get angry.
  • A stubborn fly could get into the house and keep buzzing around until you get offended.
  • Your pet could spill water on your books at home and offend you.
  • etc.
In short, it is not the issue of lacking a parking space or someone else's child hitting your car that will be the root of your anger. It is the chaos inside that will take advantage of that stimuli to fully manifest itself.

Justification is by faith (Galatians 2:16). We demonstrate faith by works because faith without works is dead (Romans 4:2-3; James 2:17-26). We don't keep the law as a justification to be saved. We keep the law because we have been saved (Galatians 2:22-26).

If keeping the law cannot save us, then why do we need the law in the first place? Why not just do away with it and only have faith that we have been saved by grace? In Romans 3:31, Paul asserts that we do not nullify the law because of faith. Sinners need the saving grace of God because trying to justify oneself through keeping the law is futility. If we nullify the law, then there will be no knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20). If we cannot properly define sin, then neither can we properly define a sinner, therefore, no sinners. If there are no sinners, then there is no need for grace because only sinners need grace to be saved. This would mean that the death of Christ on the cross is a nullity as well and we are all wasting our time. Where does that leave us if not more confused?

I do not believe we are here to waste our time. I believe we were created for a purpose and God desires to spend eternity with all the redeemed of the earth, otherwise, Jesus wouldn't have come to die on the cross.
When I started this thread about does anyone keep the Sabbath day and someone by the name chief was replying I asked if a person does not keep the Sabbath day law what happens to them when they die he said as it says in revelation of them who keeps the commandments and faith in Jesus will only go to heaven I asked what if a person belongs to a church group that does keep the Sabbath day but is not the SDA group he seems to say still will not make it to heaven because only SDA group are the only ones who really teach from the bible I use to watch free satellite TV and the SDA stations they would say the same SDA won't say it out right to people as people would get put off but they will teach their bible study's and slowly introduce it. When I went to the SDA with people I knew years ago they would say the same other churches are not really believeers. One time when I went to the SDA meeting the chap who was talking said that all the other church group's have wondered away from the SDA as the SDA was the first Prositent church and all the others have gone their own way when it is the other way around SDA comes from the Prositent church and introduced Sabbath keeping it's world history. The Catholics go on Sunday to church because they copied the early church. Catholics didn't make it the first Christian's made church on Sunday's because Jesus rose on the first day of the week and Paul said that works of the Law can not save anyone but only faith in Jesus can take away sins it doesn't matter what day people go to church the church can not save you only faith in Jesus Christ can wash away your sins that's what the whole new testament is about.
Evakool I largely agree with your statement that SDA's introduce the notion of "we are the only ones who teach from the Bible"...that is true.

If you don't mind, i would like to present a defense of the above because it should be fairly treated:

1. You would of course be familiar with the Reformation...started when Martin Luther presented his 95 thesis to the Holy Roman Catholic was at this point that the pathway toward Schism in the Christian church really began to gather momentum. We saw a great many Christian denominations formed out of that over the centuries in our history since that time

2. Considering the Reformation, Martin Luther believed that the existing church was in error, misrepresenting biblical theology and doctrine, so he started a new movement. This movement (Lutherism), believed that individuals who followed the old ways were being led astray...that is the same as the claims of modern evangelical denominations...i would suggest that pretty much all of them believe that the movement they came out of fell into habits of heresy...hence new movements claiming further enlightenment on biblical theology. of these, the SDA denomination is a relatively recent one (1860's), JW's another.

3. SDA vs other recent evangelical denominations - SDA's exhibit concerns that members of churches such as JW's may not be saved is well founded. Unlike many earlier Reformed Churches, JW's have regressed back to a very works-based add to this, the denomination almost exclusively reads its own bible paraphrase...and that version contains some very significant theological and translational errors...errors that coincidentally enough have been intentionally selected for inclusion into the NWT bible in order to support what are very clearly heretical doctrines (two classes of people, Christ isn't Mighty God, people who don't survive running for their lives during armageddon must have been condemned by God and arent saved anyway). JW's have some truly woeful theology and doctrine. Add to that that the founder of the JW movement attempted to shoot his way out of trouble with townsfolk before being killed himself...the man and his movement's roots are clearly untoward from the get-go!

4. Your claim about Catholicism and Sunday worship...might i suggest that you download and read "From Sabbath to Sunday" by Samuelle Bacchiocci ...he completed his PhD studies at the Pontifical University in Rome and was given access to the Vatican archives. The evidence he presents in that book is very enlightening on the issue of Sunday was clearly not a biblical based change. Personally, I am aware that there were a couple of historical factors involved in the change of the day of worship...early on, these were driven by an attempt by the Jews and Christians to avoid persecution at the hands of the Romans. At one time the Romans went after the early Christian church, and then later they went after Judaism. The change in the day of worship got entangled in the persecutions at the hands of Rome and the day generally worshipped today is evidence of that issue. Christians changed their day of worship largely to try to distance themselves from Judaism who were revolting in the late first and early second centuries. This only added to the Roman Catholic Churches interest in rubber stamping a new day of worship...Constantine recognised the importance and power of the church and was keen to settle on a single unified movement day of worship to try to stabilise his empire.

5. Jesus and the resurrection
1. Please google "Old Testament Tabernacle", select images, and actually look at the illustration on your screen.

2. Answer this question - what is the first element in the old testament tabernacle? Its the altar of sacrifice.

Christ cannot possibly have referred to the Mosaic sanctuary and the law when he said "it is finished" before dying on the cross and below is the explanation why (and these are not my words, they are historical and biblical fact btw, you can check for yourself by reading the books of Exodus and Leviticus)

Look at your downloaded image of the Tabernacle:

a. The altar of sacrifice represents Christs death on the cross. Its the first element in the Christs death is the first part of the process of salvation (not the last as Sunday worship necessitates)​
b. there are 5 more elements in the tabernacle. These are: Laver, Table of Shewbread, Candlesticks, Altar of Incense, Ark of the Covenant.​
c. on the Day of Atonment, the High Priests last activity was to go outside the tabernacle and place his hands on Azazeels goat and then cast that goat out into the wilderness where it died in the desert. As Christians, this represents the time after the second coming of Christ...after the millennium actually, when the final judgement pronounced upon satan and his angel is carried out and they are destroyed.​
So if the final judgement has not yet been enacted in heaven, because we are still here, then the sanctuary service illustration of the old testament is not yet completed...that is why Christ saying it is finished does not refer to throwing out the Mosaic law. If the law was gone, then by what standard are the wicked, who lived after the cross, by what standard are they judged? Without a law, there is no transgression in order to judge anyone!

The reality is, Revelation 14:12 (written 60 years after the cross) tells us that Saints are those who:
1. keep the law
2. live/preach the gospel

That means that the inverse is also true. The wicked are those who:
1. do not keep the law
2. do not have the gospel
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You didn't comment on Colossians 2:16-23 and Romans 14:17 then Matthew 19:16- 23 Jesus told him to pick up he's mat and carry it that what the chief priests were angry about that he is carrying a mat and that is work in verse 17 Jesus says to them my father is always at his work even now and so am I meaning God is not resting on the Sabbath eather.
You didn't comment on Colossians 2:16-23 and Romans 14:17 then Matthew 19:16- 23 Jesus told him to pick up he's mat and carry it that what the chief priests were angry about that he is carrying a mat and that is work in verse 17 Jesus says to them my father is always at his work even now and so am I meaning God is not resting on the Sabbath eather.
Already addressed in this thread
Well Jesus rose on the first day of the week so the first Christian's what to remember that because Of Jesus sacrifice and that he defeated death and hell so everyone who accepts him as Lord and saviour will live for ever more so Start the week with remembering Jesus. Also in Act's 20:7 and 2 Corinthians 16:2 if you read it and also because now Christian's are not justified by the law but by Jesus Christ obedience to die for man to get salvation if you read the book of Act's the decipiles talk to the Jewish priests and Pharisees only about Jesus not about law's that only Jesus can save people. This made the chief priests and Pharisees angry that they tore their own clothes and even stoned Seven and Paul also they never mentioned the law and the Jewish priests and Pharisees didn't like it sounds familiar it's like I am talking to the chief priests and Pharisees they want their law. Then the book of Galatians Paul says that if you go back to the law Christ is of no value to you as some of the Jew's who started to believe in Jesus wanted to start law keeping as a way of salvation as well sounds familiar.
You know what holy is or what unholy is when someone gets angry at a person they will think bad thoughts about that person but if you get angry at a fly or falling in the bathroom your not getting angry at a person or persons or people but bad thoughts about a person is a sin so it is unholy expressly on your special day the Sabbath day when you are meant to be holy so the people who got angry at other people won't be listening to what the sermon is about he or she will be thinking about what happened on the way there or about their damaged car so Sabbath day not being kept as it is intended to be kept. And I have to add when pasty face man came out on stage boosting about how he is the best Sabbath day keeper that he has ever met that was the last time I went to the SDA ever again as I said before the whole new testament is only about Jesus Christ not some law that nobody keeps the right way.
Well Jesus rose on the first day of the week so the first Christian's what to remember that because Of Jesus sacrifice and that he defeated death and hell so everyone who accepts him as Lord and saviour will live for ever more so Start the week with remembering Jesus. Also in Act's 20:7 and 2 Corinthians 16:2 if you read it and also because now Christian's are not justified by the law but by Jesus Christ obedience to die for man to get salvation if you read the book of Act's the decipiles talk to the Jewish priests and Pharisees only about Jesus not about law's that only Jesus can save people. This made the chief priests and Pharisees angry that they tore their own clothes and even stoned Seven and Paul also they never mentioned the law and the Jewish priests and Pharisees didn't like it sounds familiar it's like I am talking to the chief priests and Pharisees they want their law. Then the book of Galatians Paul says that if you go back to the law Christ is of no value to you as some of the Jew's who started to believe in Jesus wanted to start law keeping as a way of salvation as well sounds familiar.
i completely agree that we are not justified or saved by our own works. The SDA church does not believe in works based salvation...the SDA church very definitely agrees that our best efforts are nothing but filthy rags!


I need you to go and read Hebrews Chapters 9 and 10 (9 gives the background on Christs function in the Sanctuary, however, 10 is directly relevant to your statement above)

Note the following verses in Hebrews 10

23Let us hold resolutely to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds.​
26If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains,​
27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries.​
28Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.​
29How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?​
36You need to persevere, so that after you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.​

The climax of Hebrews Chapter 10 is summed up by Revelation 14:12

12Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.​

Clearl,y what Hebrews tells us is that despite the law not saving us from our sins (only Christ can do that), the law is very much the standard by which we are still judged...we have always been judged that way. Satan and the wicked will be judged by the same standard at the end of time.

Think about it, if God is going to judge Satan and throw him and the wicked into the fires of hell, how can God do that if there is no law? In our modern criminal courts, don't judges use the law with which to judge criminals? How can they judge someone without a standard...a law?

It just makes logical sense that Christ did not suggest we throw out the law when he said "it is finished"...the process of salvation "without the blood of sheep and goats" is the more likely result of his statement before dying. The sacrificing of Sheep and Goats was finished...its wasn't needed any longer, also, it was at this point that the battle for Creation with Satan was over...Christ had fought the God fight on earth and was now the victor...God had been vindicated, the charge Satan made against Him proven false.

So for you to say, we are hyper-focused on the Sabbath and the law...yes we are, but not because of a false or heretical doctrine...we hyperfocus on those things because Revelation 14:12 names both qualities in the saved "the saints"!
Is the ten commandments it talking about do you keep the ten commandments or just one the Sabbath day that's all SDA talks about none of the other commandments.
Im an adventist, i was raised in the SDA church, i studied in an adventist school and university, my father is an SDA minister (retired), my wife an adventist, she was raised an SDA, she is an SDA school teacher...

Ellen white preached a huge range of doctrines...she is recognised outside of Adventism as one of the most prolific writers in history...she wrote on a range of topics that did not include the Sabbath, two big ones are health and education...

I have never heard the claim SDAs only preach the 4th commandment.

If your Sabbath claim were true, why does adventism get earbashed by other denominations for its beliefs on:

the state of the dead (the dead know nothing and are in the grave not in heaven or hell)
michael the arkangel is Jesus
JESUS enterred a new phase of ministry in the heavenly sanctuary in 1844
Abstinance from alcohol

I mean the above are what the church is well known for and yet you somehow have this notion that we only preach the sabbath commandment???

Your claim is a figment of your imagination unsupported by the evidence above that is easily proven with a little googling...

Google AI...
"On October 26, 1984, Leonard Bailey and his team at Loma Linda University Medical Center in California transplanted a baboon's heart into a newborn infant named Stephanie Fae Beauclair, also known as "Baby Fae"
The legacy
The procedure captured the world's attention and made medical history. It led to a steady flow of organ donors, and Loma Linda University Health has become an internationally recognized leader in infant heart transplantation"

my point isnt that the operation was a wasnt, but that your claim we only preach the sabbath is a complete fairytale.

What evidence are you citing for this claim given our "published" church fundamental doctrines, and my own and my wifes life experiences in the church, the heavenly sanctuary doctrine, and the many other published evidences that directly contradict your claim?

You are clearly making this up and sticking fast to your wives tales despite actual REAL evidence that refutes your claims.
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All I can say is Wow! What a thread!.
I'm just gonna throw some things out here, as I remember them addressed here.

We have a huge Health ministry. That ministry includes hospitals, which, last I looked, were 24/7. That would include Sabbath. Doctors and nurses are supposed to be there, and hospitals can get pretty messy. So we need housekeeping--patients get hungry--we need cooks. These have to be exceptions.
How about this?
Matthew 12:5. Jesus says:"Or have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath and are guiltless?" (ESV) Well? So we have workers on the Sabbath that are fine. Are the health ministry workers not in service to the Lord? It is fine to ask for Sabbaths off, but some one is going to have to work it.
Shall we go to the subject of church potlucks and cooking in general? Our church has potluck every week. It is a ministry. Our visitors love it. So do we. I work in there helping warm food, putting drink on the tables, and washing afterwards. I consider it an honor. God has done so much for me (chief of sinner--your name-you have no idea--I am chief) Even if I didnt get a heavenly reward, I would still work for Him. He has forgiven me so much, and has allowed he to revamp my life--a new person, to not be the person I was, to not die like that. I can give back because of Him. Praise his Holy Name!

And the wildlife shows. Why not? Ellen White says that nature is the second book. If this poor man has not the means to go to a park or something, why can he not see the joy and glory of Gods creation on television? Every animal on there shows the creativity and beauty of Gods creation and I don't think for a moment God would begrudge his watching an animal because of an occasional antacid commercial, or what have you.
And the last one--Adventists are the only ones who will be saved? No---God is calling His people out of every church because HIS PEOPLE ARE IN EVERY CHURCH. Those who love Him and worship Him to the best of their knowledge are His people.

And just this left--Jesus did rise on the first day of the week, but He never asked us to commemorate it. the only thing He asked us to commemorate was His death, which we do by Communion.

Oops! One more==remember when the kingdom was split into two in 1 Kings 12, and Jeroboam did not want any of the Northern tribe to go to the south to worship at the Temple? So he erected two calves for them to worship and changed the worship day,made a new priesthood, not of Levites (which was a no-no)
Jeroboam instituted a new festival on the 15th day of the eighth month, different from the festival commanded in the seventh month (1 Kings 12:32-33). He did this to keep allegiance to him--he didn't want his tribes going to Judah. Jeroboam's actions were a grave sin against God, leading Israel into idolatry. And what happened to Israel, Jeroboams kingdom? Boom! After a while here comes Assyria, and wipes it out. It becomes Samaria.
To put it plainly, Jeroboam had NO business changing the form of worship, the place to worship, and the day to worship. It cost him, and those who followed him.