Lesson 11: Longing for God in Zion

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Sabbath School Lessons The Psalms: Where God and People Meet Heart to Heart
  1. Video Introduction 00:00:33
  2. Video Lesson 1. How to Read the Psalms 00:58:30
  3. Video Lesson 2. Teach us to Pray 00:58:30
  4. Video Lesson 3. The Lord Reigns 00:58:30
  5. Video Lesson 4. The Lord Hears and Delivers 00:58:30
  6. Video Lesson 5. Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land 00:58:30
  7. Video Lesson 6. I Will Arise 00:58:30
  8. Video Lesson 7. Your Mercy Reaches to the Heavens 00:58:30
  9. Video Lesson 8. Wisdom for Righteous Living 00:58:30
  10. Video Lesson 9: Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord 00:58:30
  11. Video Lesson 10: Lessons from the Past 00:58:30
  12. Video Lesson 11: Longing for God in Zion 00:58:30
  13. Video Lesson 12: Worship that Never Ends 00:58:30
  14. Video Lesson 13: Waiting on the Lord 00:58:30